Friday, September 14, 2012


Bob Dylan, just released his 35th studio album Sept 7, 2012, TEMPEST. The album showcases this living legend’s multi-talented ability as a musician and lyricist.

Dylan’s artful storytelling is undeniable, and the musicality he brings with each track is as unique as he is, but predictable. While the album is not revolutionary, it is typical Dylan, and someday it will probably be considered a masterpiece as time goes by. It has political commentary, lyrical malice, but true to the person we know and love as Bob Dylan. His voice is more than gravely these days, but after all the years of performing, something is bound to go. The lyrics he writes seem to suit his voice and the music. Any Dylan fan new or old, would enjoy this album.  Listen to the lyrics, the music, and his voice does not seem to matter.

One day our children will be studying his lyrics in school as any other well known poet, past and present. He has a pulse on North America/ the world and with innovative poetry he puts that to music we can relate to. He is a musical machine, a master of his trade.  If you have not seen him live you have missed out, Dylan and his band are extremely talented musicians, and put on a great show.

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